Monday, December 30, 2024

419 scam

Hello, you have been selected as one of ten lucky recipients to receive €400,000 each from Frances and Patrick Connolly's Support Life charity project. Please contact Ms. Nadine for more details.

Friday, December 27, 2024

419 scam

 From George Hernбndez & Asociados
Corporate and Finance Law Firm Madrid, Spain
Address- Avda Reina Victoria 58 - Esc. 1, 1єA 28003
Madrid, Spain.
In regards to your scam victim compensation funds, What happened to you, Why do you leave your compensation funds Ђ2,000.000.00 {Two Million Euro with the bank and run away.
This is Barrister George Hernandez, I am the lawyer in charge to help make sure you receive your Scam Victim Compensation funds Ђ2,000.000.00 {Two Million Euros )from the Spanish Government.
The Supreme Court of Spain has ordered the Spanish Government to pay you compensation and damages, The sum of Ђ2,000.000.00 { Two Million Euros ) has been Approved to you in order to compensate you for all the money you lose to Internet Scam, I will help make sure that you receive your Scam Victim Compensation  donation funds Ђ2 Million euros from the Spanish Government within 24 hours, If you will comply with me and follow my instruction to enable me to help in transfer or delivery of your fund.
I don't know if you are still interested in receiving your Compensation funds fund from the Spanish Government valued at the sum of Ђ2,000.000.00- Two Million Euros because for the past few weeks, I sent so many emails to you but no response from you, I hope all is well with you.
My reason for contacting you today is to inform you that I have a better option in which you will receive the Ђ2,000.000.00- Two Million Euro without spending much money, I don't know if you are still interested in receiving the fund.
If you are still interested in receiving theЂ2,000.000.00- Two Million Euro without spending much money, You should get to me so that I will review the best way to receive the funds without spending much money.
I look forward to your email, If you are still interested.  
Thank you.
Barrister George Hernбndez .
Principal Attorney George Hernбndez & Asociados
Corporate and Finance Law Firm Madrid, Spain
Address- Avda Reina Victoria 58 - Esc. 1, 1єA 28003
Madrid, Spain.

Monday, December 16, 2024

419 scam


May the peace of God be with you and your family. I know it will be a great surprise reading from me today but consider this a divine intervention as a pastor explained to me. My name is Mrs. Grace Smith, a widow from the United States of America Married from Germany and am writing to you from my sick bed because I have been fighting cancer and the doctors say I have only a few weeks left.

I want to entrust my money ($11 million USD) to your care for charity purposes to help the less privileged as my late husband's
relatives want me dead so that they will claim all my late husband and I worked for.

I will tell you more about myself and what you need to do with the money once you receive it. Please write to me soon as my health is pretty bad and my doctors say I will be moved to the intensive care unit anytime soon.

Have a blessed day and please do pray for me. God bless you.

Yours Mrs. Grace Smith
Email: ( )

Friday, December 13, 2024

419 scam


How are you ? I’ve been busy with some intriguing developments at the firm. Recently, I made a significant finding that I believe has the potential to lead us to a great deal. However, due to the sensitive nature of the situation, I’m unable to disclose any details just yet.

I truly value your expertise and insights, and I would greatly appreciate your help in executing this opportunity. Your input could be instrumental in shaping our approach, and I’m eager to share more information once I receive your confirmation.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Lotto scam

 Asian welfare lottery
st.218, Plov Lom road,
Tuek Thla village,
Teuk Thla commune,
Sen Sok district,
Phnom Penh. Cambodia

Dear lucky Winner,

We wish to congratulate and inform you on the selection of the (Asian welfare lottery) cash prize USD$1,500,000.00 held in Indonesia.The selection process was carried out through random selection in Our computerized email selection system (ESS) from a database of over 55,000,000 worldwide email addresses.

Note: Your winning pin is AWL 07/2023/070100. You are to keep your pin and winning confidential for security reasons and also to avoid dual claims.

Please contact our Indonesia Claim agent SALMANKHAN SHAHEBKHAN PATHAN with the below required information.


1.Name in full:
2.Your Address:
4.Copy of your ID card or international passport:
8.Present Country:

Winners are advised to keep their winning details from the public to avoid Fraudulent claims

Staff of the Asian welfare lottery are not Authorize to partake in this Lottery

Yours faithfully,
Ismaya Kabul

Monday, December 2, 2024

419 scam

Congratulations. I Sigrid Maria Elisabet Rausing is a Swedish philanthropist, anthropologist and publisher. I am the founder of the Sigrid Rausing Trust, one of the United Kingdom's largest philanthropic foundations. Your e-mail address was provided by Google Inc. randomly selected as an active user on the web. This year, I decided to donate 5 percent of my wealth to both charities and individuals due to the corona virus pandemic that has paralyzed the whole world. I am donating to you € 2,000,000.00 and I urge you to help people around you with the little you can.

Contact me on this email address: for more information.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

419 scam

Ik heb het verplicht gesteld om elk jaar aan het einde van het jaar persoonlijke donaties te doen aan Random Lucky Email-adressen. Deze e-mailadressen worden willekeurig geselecteerd met een elektronische spin-trekking om ten minste 18 (18) actieve e-mailadressen te selecteren. Uw e-mailadres werd willekeurig geselecteerd om $ 890,000.00 (achthonderdnegentigduizend dollar) alleen te ontvangen van Phoenix Foundation als onderdeel van mijn persoonlijke liefdadigheidsproject. Voor claims, reageer alstublieft op deze e-mail

Saturday, November 16, 2024

419 scam

 Met vriendelijke groet

Ik kwam uw profiel tegen en zou graag meer informatie over uw bedrijf willen hebben. Wij zijn Istithmar World Ventures, een investeringsbedrijf gevestigd in Dubai dat op zoek is naar levensvatbare projecten om in te investeren buiten de GCC. We geven ook 3% finders fee bij afsluiting voor alle verwijzingen.

Neem contact met me op, laten we eens kijken hoe we in 2024 kunnen samenwerken.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Hakim Almadey

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

419 scam

 Dear Friend,

My name is Mr Fred Ekukinam Esq. I am contacting you seeking your cooperation for the transfer of a contract balance of a late client of mine.

Kindly get back to me for more details.

Best Regards

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

419 scam


Ich wende mich von Donation For Change an Sie. Sie haben Anspruch auf 1.000.000,00 $ von Elon Musk.

Wir wurden ausgewählt, um eine Liste von Überweisungen von X abzuwickeln, die durch eine großzügige Spende von Elon Musk im Rahmen seines anhaltenden Engagements für den Sieg bei den US-Wahlen ermöglicht wurde.


I am reaching out to you from Donation For Change. You are eligible to claim $1,000,000.00 from Elon Musk.

We have been selected to process a list of transfer from X, made possible by a generous contribution from Elon Musk as part of his ongoing commitment to Giving for victory at the USA Election. ---

Stephan Rawlins
Donation For Change
A legacy of generosity.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Loan scam

Good morning ,

 We give Personal and Corporate Loan at 2.6% Interest Rate for a duration of 10 to 15 years. Also open for any (JV) Joint venture partnership , We pay 1% commission to brokers or friends who introduce project owners for finance or other opportunities. Our company will send you more full details on our next email.

Yours loyally,
Mr. Daniel Panhwar

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

419 scam

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.
I am writing to introduce myself as a member of a charity organization based in the United Kingdom. Our organization is dedicated to helping individuals and institutions secure the funding necessary to create meaningful impacts within their communities.
With extensive experience in grant applications, I am proud to maintain a 99% success rate in securing grants for my clients. If you or anyone within your network is seeking funding, I would be more than happy to offer my expertise to help streamline the application process and improve the likelihood of success.
Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions or would like to explore potential collaboration opportunities.
I look forward to the possibility of working together.
Warm regards,
Thomas Atkinson
Head of Philanthropy Management

Thursday, October 17, 2024

419 scam

Greetings to you in the name of God. Please consider this message as divine and accept it with a deep sense of humility.

I'm a 74 years cancer patient currently in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy and life support treatment. I wish to donate my deposited funds to you for investment and charity. Proceeds from any investment you undertake should be used to establish a charity foundation in my name.

The foundation should support and cater to cancer patients globally, not neglecting the motherless, the homeless, the poor, and the elderly.

Your participation in this significant project should be voluntary and solely humanitarian.

My doctors have informed me that I have two months to live. Therefore, I want to disburse most of my fortune to help the needy. If you are interested in my proposal, please kindly send me your details:

Your full name,
Your address,
Your occupation,
Your age/sex,
Your nationality,
Your phone/mobile numbers.

Upon receipt of your details as requested above, I will inform you of the amount, and within one week from the day I receive your details, the funds will be sent to you to execute the project.

Mr. Robin Mackness

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

419 scam

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs. Daisy Lambden
from Scotland UK, i am a widow to late Mr. Johsua Lambden. l am 45 years
old and a converted born again Christian, suffering from long time
cancer of the breast, from all indication my condition is really
deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I might not live more than
two (2) months, according to my doctor the cancer has gotten
to a very worst / dangerous stage.

My late husband and my only child have died. My late husband was a very
rich and wealthy business man who was running his Gold/Diamond Business
in Malaysia. After his death, I inherited all his business and wealth. My
doctors has advised me that I may not live for more than two (2)
months, so I now decided to divide the part of this wealth, to
Contribute to the development of the church in Africa, America, Asia,
and Europe.

I decided to donate the sum of (GBP5,000,000.00) Five Million Great British
Pounds Sterling to the less privileged because I cannot take this money to
the grave. Please I want you to note that this fund is lodged in a bank in

Once I hear from you, I will forward to you all the information you
will use to get this fund released from the bank and be transferred
to your bank account. I honestly pray that this money when transferred
to you will be used for the said purpose because l have come to find
out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity. May the grace of
our lord Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of God be with you
and your family.

Mrs. Daisy Lambden

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Lotto scam

U bent willekeurig geselecteerd door een online "wheel of fortune" als gevolg van het feit dat u een actieve e-mailgebruiker bent om een ​​donatie van $ 1.200.000 te ontvangen. Dit is een donatie van de Steve Morgan Foundation, die meer dan £ 300 miljoen heeft gedoneerd en meer dan 650 goede doelen en individuen heeft ondersteund. Voor meer informatie, reageer onmiddellijk om uw e-mail te bevestigen.
Steve Morgan Foundation.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

419 scam

 i there

I hope you are well and high in spirit? Before I continue, let me humbly apologize for coming into your space unsolicited. Nonetheless, I take solace in the fact that it is with the best intention and for our mutual benefit.

I chose you among other contacts that I came across in my search for someone who can partner with me in investment venture. It took a great deal of brain storming for me to arrive at this decision owing to my present predicament and solitude courtesy President Vladimir Putin, which I will explain to you in my follow up email. I hope that my contact with you will be private, confidential and fruitful.

Presently I am totally indisposed to carry out financial transactions due to restrictions placed on me after the death of my husband, Ivan Pechorin because he was against the Ukraine war. Before long it would be discovered that President Vladimir Putin murdered my husband. My strongest desire is to partner with you in investing my family money domiciled outside the shores of Russia. I have no problem investing this money in your country if it offers investment friendly environment.

It will be an absolute pleasure, if you would have the wherewithal to handle this project to my satisfaction. Every detail concerning this project would be made known to you upon indication of your interest.

Best regards

Anna Pechorin.
( this for your response.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Lotto scam

 Hallo lieber glücklicher Gewinner

Mit dieser Nachricht möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in diesem Monat nur 1.700.000,00 US-Dollar { EINE MILLION SIEBENHUNDERTTAUSEND DOLLAR } bei unserem Lotterieunternehmen MULTI LOTTO gewonnen hat und Ihr Geld in eine { Visa ATM EcoBank Card } umgewandelt wird Lieferung an Sie durch die DHL Express Courier Service Company aus Griechenland.

Wir haben Ihr { Visa ATM EcoBank Card }-Paket bei der DHL Express Courier Service Company aus Griechenland hinterlegt. und weisen Sie sie an, uns bei der Zustellung Ihres { ATM Visa Card }-Pakets zu helfen, sobald sie von Ihnen hören. Bitte kontaktieren Sie daher Herrn Goran Alexan, den Direktor der DHL Delivery Company, über diese E-Mail hier { } und bitten Sie sie, Ihnen Ihre { Visa ATM EcoBank Card } zu liefern, die bei Ihrem Unternehmen hinterlegt ist und von der Multi Lotto Lottery Organization verwahrt wird.

Direktor des Multi-Lotto-Unternehmens.

Friday, September 13, 2024

419 scam

 dear sir or madam i am sending you this mail in good faith i am mrs josie marie currently undergoing medical treatment for cancer and my late husband was a contractor had a servicing firm affiliated with so many port authority before he suddenly pass away years ago we were married for nine years without a child since his death i decided not to remarry because it is against my faith and religion when my late husband was alive we had account where we deposited all our assets and lifetime savings in the bank worth $2.622 million dollars i have been sick suffering from cancer having known my condition will not allow me perform this wish so i decided to nominate you to help me donate the fund to less privilege also building orphanage for them in your country as my spirit directed me after series of prayers i took this decision because i don’t have any children to inherit the amount and i strongly write you this memorandum in tears sorrows because i was not blessed with the fruit of womb therefore i have instructed the bank manager to transfer the capital to a foreigner that will apply and the bank already have the doctors report of my physical health challenge confirming i will not live more longer and the bank statements shows no withdrawal of money over long period I suggested you take 30% of the total fund for yourself and fixed 70% into charity program in your country assure me you will act accordingly i encourage you to email me for more information in his arms josie marie

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lotto scam

 Congratulations. I’m Mavis L. Wanczyk, the mega winner of Seven Hundred Fifty-Eight Million in Mega Millions Jackpot. Your email was provided by Google Inc and randomly selected from the European and US email database as an active user on the web. I am donating to 5 random individuals if you get this email then your email was selected after a spin ball. I have spread most of my wealth over several charities and organizations. I am donating to you $3,000,000.00 and I urge you to help the people around you with the little you can.

Contact me on this email address: for more information.

Monday, September 9, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mailadres is gekozen voor een donatie en Tammy en Cliff Webster hebben u $850,000 gegeven.

Beantwoord deze e-mail als u vragen hebt of uw donatie wilt claimen.

Ik wacht snel op uw antwoord.

Hartelijke groeten.

Tammy en Cliff Webster

Friday, September 6, 2024

419 scam


Herzlichen Glückwunsch vom Entschädigungsausschuss der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNOCB) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) und der Weltbankgruppe, da die Summe von achthunderttausend US-Dollar (800.000,00 USD) zur Auszahlung an Sie als Entschädigung für Cyberkriminalität und vor allem zur Reduzierung der Armut in der Welt im Rahmen des laufenden Entschädigungsprogramms der Vereinten Nationen, der Weltbank und des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) genehmigt und freigegeben wurde.

Lassen Sie sich benachrichtigen, dass Ihre E-Mail-ID per Zufallsprinzip als einer der fünfundzwanzig (25) glücklichen Begünstigten ausgewählt wurde, die vom World Wide Web/Internet-Dienstanbieter über ein elektronisches Abstimmungssystem gezogen wurden, das für diese Zahlung genehmigt wurde.

Daher möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass vom Entschädigungsausschuss der Vereinten Nationen (UNOCB), der Weltbankgruppe und dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) eine unwiderrufliche Zahlungsgarantie für Ihre Zahlung ausgestellt wurde und der gesamte Entschädigungsfonds zu Ihren Gunsten genehmigt wurde.

Wir empfehlen Ihnen hiermit, DR. Mike Alex, den Leiter des Ausschusses des Entschädigungsprogramms Ora Bank plc West Ecowas, per E-Mail ( mit den folgenden Informationen zu kontaktieren:-

Eine Kopie des Personalausweises oder Reisepasses:-

HINWEIS: Wir empfehlen Ihnen, DR. Mike Alex Ihre korrekten und gültigen Daten unverzüglich und ohne weitere Verzögerungen per E-Mail an seine E-Mail-Adresse

( zu übermitteln, damit wir diese Zahlung effektiv überwachen können.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frau Kristalina Georgieva, geschäftsführende Generaldirektorin des IWF und der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

419 scam

Tel: +1-315-280-5760

Attention: E-mail Beneficiary,

The United Nations Compensation Commission claims-processing exercise for 2024 have approved payments for distribution to 1.5 million successful claimants. In light of the studied intelligence reports forwarded to us by the National Treasury on all payment transaction of the UNCC Settlements and Allied matters, further discovery from the Commissions Tax Force shows that your due payment valuation of $5,500,000.00 (Five Million and Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) has been unjustly treated.

The Governing Council monitors the distribution of payments to claimants by the relevant governments and international authorities hence a revisit to your file requires attention for immediate treat and payment of your compensation fund to you without further delay. Please provide the listed data below for further assessment and verifications to have us commence proceedings.

* Full Names:
* Residential Address:
* Occupation:
* Mobile Number:
* Age:
* Gender:
* Alternative E-mail I.D:
* Copy of Valid I.D:

Your quick response will aid speedy treat of your file.

Sincerely yours.

António Guterres
United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

419 scam


Hello Chosen Ones of the Light,

You were chosen by the Great Brotherhood of the Illuminati to be a member of this family; You have found favor in the eyes of the Great Creator and hence this noble invitation to be a member of the Elite Family.

Do you want to join the Great Illuminati Brotherhood to become rich, famous and protected in life, join us today and solve your financial problems if you want to become a member of the Illuminati


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Loan scam


I have a ready Investor who is willing to invest in projects( i.e Real Estates, Construction, Logistics, Manufacturing or any viable projects). We have the financial muscle and capacity to fund projects between $500,000 to $6.5 Billion USD for capital projects, and Equity Investment Plans. At 3% interest rate for a 10 years tenure with a grace period of 12/18 months.

Kindly send your business plan and executive summary or refer us to anyone with a good business plan, for our investment team review and immediate funding.We are waiting to proceed with the closing and disbursement of investment funds.

I hope we can work together in securing the investment funds you seek and other future transactions.

Thank you in advance as I anticipate your kind response.through this private mail,(

Best Regards,

Mr Walter Dickson,

Monday, September 2, 2024

419 scam


I'm Stefano Pessina, an Italian business tycoon, investor, and
philanthropist.the vice chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and
the single largest shareholder of Walgreens Boots Alliance. I gave
away 25 percent of my personal wealth to charity. And I also pledged
to give away the rest of 25% this year 2024 to Individuals.. I have
decided to donate Ђ3,500,000.00(Three million five hundred thousand
euros)to you. If you are interested in my donation, do contact me for
more info.

Best regards,
CEO Walgreens Boots Alliance

Friday, August 30, 2024

419 scam

 Reply: humanity appeal project,

I am Mrs. Gabrielle Johnson an ageing widow suffering from a long time illness. I am currently admitted in a private hospital,
I have some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr. Johnson Akome, the sum of (US$2.500.000.00-two Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar) which he deposited in bank here I need a honest person that can use these funds for less privilege's, I found your email address from the internet and decided to contact you.  Write to me on this  Email: ( )  that is why I am taking this decision to donate this fund for charity.
I will tell you more about myself and my plans with this money when I hear back from you.
Remain bless,
Gabrielle Johnson.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

419 scam

 U heeft een liefdadigheids donatie van $3,000,000.00 van de heer Mike Weirsky. Voor claim en meer informatie kunt u reageren op

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Loan scam

 Zit je in een lastige situatie waar je een lening voor zoekt? Heeft u
financiering nodig om een schuld af te betalen of een activiteit te
financieren? Heeft u een consumptieve lening, een woonkrediet, een
persoonlijke lening, een hypotheeklening, een investeringslening, een
aflossing van een lening of iets anders nodig?

Ik ben een particuliere investeerder. Ik zal u leningen op korte,
middellange en lange termijn verstrekken. Mijn
financieringsvoorwaarden zijn heel eenvoudig en mijn rentepercentage
is 3% per jaar.

Ik sta nog steeds tot uw beschikking voor alle vragen.

Bedankt dat je per e-mail contact met mij hebt opgenomen:    

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

419 scam

 Attention Dear Value Partner
Thanks for your response to my present this proposal.
Iam Ms.Fulya Baran, I am the audit officer and Assistant General Manager DHBBank, Turkey and also in the Netherlands attached to Private Banking Services. I am contacting you privately concerning a business proposal placed under our management.
I am contacting you independently and no one is informed of this communication. I am sitting on a portfolio of my deceased client who passed away during corona Virus 2020 with a balance of 3Million Dollar
We launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert him about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate.
If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes.
In his bio-data forms, he listed no next of kin. In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence, account is rarely held under a names; depositors use numbers and codes to make the account anonymous.
In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our investigations in good faith to determine who should have the right to claim the estate, the investigation for several months was futile.
We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies. It is this investigation that resulted in my decision to obtain your contact details and contact you, being as a foreigner, as a potential benefactor of the estate even if you are in no way affiliated with this individual (the deceased).
My official capacity dictates that I am the one party to supervise the investigation and to receive the results of the investigation. What this means, with you being a foreigner, I have considered the fact that our dear late fellow died with no identifiable family members.
This leaves me as the person with full the authorization to the funds. I alone have the deposit details and my DHBbank will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so based on my official capacity.
My proposal to you is that I am prepared to place you in a position whereby an instruction is given to officially release the deposit to you as the closest surviving associate, and every etiquette shall be done by the rule of banking laws and regulations. I certainly can assure you that, by the common law, the power of bequeathing is coeval with the first rudiments of the law, and this power has been extended to every aspect of this transaction.
There is no ruling which prevents inheritance from being so exhausted by legacies as to render it unworthy of the heir's; basically, persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, except infants. With this, I would say we have the clear advantage to carry out a smooth operation whereby the documentation work shall be coordinated in such a making you the heir to this inheritance fund as confirmed.
Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the funds with you in half and no more; that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you; afterward we share the proceeds in two equal parts.
I am aware of the consequences of this proposal, and I ask that if you are not interested in this project, you should discard this mail.
I ask also, that you do not be vindictive or destructive if my proposal is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you; do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. I cannot let this pass me by and I hope you understand.
I have evaluated the risks, and the risk I have is from you refusing to work with me; I am one who knows of this situation, good fortune will bless you and plant you into the centre of relevance in my lives, let us share the blessing.
If you find yourself interested in working with me, kindly respond to my email positively, then I will initiate this process toward a quick conclusion. It is necessary to inform you that under no condition should you contact me via official channels; I will simply deny knowing you and about this project.
I repeat I do not want you contacting me through our official lines, nor do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me through this email. I do not want any direct link between you and me.
My official lines are not secure as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management policy, kingly observe this instruction religiously.
I await your response with interest, to enable us to proceed with the project.
Ms Fulya Baran.
Audit Officer DHBBank Netherlands / Turkey
Assistant General Manager
Operations & Retail Services and Savings
Private Email:

Monday, August 26, 2024

419 scam

 Reply: humanity appeal project,

I am Mrs. Gabrielle Johnson an ageing widow suffering from a long time illness. I am currently admitted in a private hospital,
I have some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr. Johnson Akome, the sum of (US$2.500.000.00-two Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar) which he deposited in bank here I need a honest person that can use these funds for less privilege's, I found your email address from the internet and decided to contact you.  Write to me on this  Email: ( )  that is why I am taking this decision to donate this fund for charity.
I will tell you more about myself and my plans with this money when I hear back from you.
Remain bless,
Gabrielle Johnson.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

419 scam

Mijn naam is Eder D Musk, een zakenmagnaat en investeerder, oprichter en algemeen directeur en CEO van Eder D Musk Foundation

De Foundation is een liefdadigheidsorganisatie die ik heb opgericht om mijn liefdadigheidsgiften te beheren, dus ik doneer $ 3.250.500 USD per persoon aan 15 onbekende willekeurig geselecteerde geldige e-mailadressen online

Dit is een elektronisch uitgevoerd stemproces, dus u bent gelukkig geselecteerd om deze donatie te ontvangen als uw e-mailadres geldig is.

Dus als u de gelukkige bent en hoe u uw geld kunt claimen, reageer dan terug naar mij als deze geselecteerde (EMAIL) geldig is.

Ik wacht op uw antwoord om te bevestigen dat dit e-mailadres geldig is

Met vriendelijke groet
Eder D Musk
Eder D Musk Foundation
Email: info

Let op: als u deze e-mail in uw ongewenste e-mail ontvangt, houd er dan rekening mee dat dit komt door uw internetprovider. Verplaats het naar de inbox om te antwoorden

Monday, August 19, 2024

419 scam

 Dear Sir,

Having been referred to your investment by my team, we would be
honored to review your available investment projects for onward
referral to my principal investors who can allocate capital for
the financing of it.

kindly advise at your convenience

Al Sayyid Sultan Yarub Al Busaidi

Monday, August 5, 2024

419 scam

 Dear Beneficiary,

We hope this email finds you well. on behalf of Lee Shau-kee the benefactor, a business magnate, investor and philanthropist, your email has been selected randomly to receive a grant donation of £2,000,000.00 (Two Million British Pounds) from the Lee Shau-Kee Charitable Foundation.

For claims enquiries, forward this notification message to the email below



Stephen Huang

Philanthropy Manager

Lee Shau-Kee Foundation

Saturday, August 3, 2024

419 scam

 Good Day,

Compliment of the season.

There is an important proposal on your name, contact Dr Carl Fianma through this email for more update.


Carl Fianma

Friday, August 2, 2024

Lotto scam

 \uw e-mailadres is willekeurig geselecteerd U heeft een donatie, ik heb de Amerikaanse loterij ter waarde van 40 miljoen dollar in Amerika gewonnen en besloten een deel ervan te doneren aan vijf gelukkige mensen en liefdadigheidsinstellingen ter nagedachtenis aan mijn overleden vrouw die overleden aan kanker. Neem voor meer informatie contact met mij op:

Thursday, August 1, 2024

419 scam

 Je hebt een donatie van 4.800.000,00 dollar, ik heb de Amerikaanse loterij ter waarde van 40 miljoen dollar in Amerika gewonnen en besloten een deel ervan te doneren aan vijf gelukkige mensen en liefdadigheidsinstellingen ter nagedachtenis aan mijn overleden vrouw die aan kanker stierf. Neem voor meer informatie contact met mij op:

Monday, July 29, 2024

419 scam

Hello My Dearest, I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for bringing this message to your email without any formal introduction due to the urgency of this issue. I am happy to know you but the Almighty Allah knows you better and knows why he directed me to you at this point. To begin I saw your email and contact details on my search for a good Next of kin online as a result of my urgency to put my last wish into reality before i die any time soon. I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart, My Name is Mrs.Feyza Olcay Ýbrahim, I am contacting you from my country Turkey I want to tell you this because I don't have any other option than to tell you as I was touched to open up to you, I am married to Mr.Yusuf Ýbrahim who worked with Turkish Consulate General in Toronto Canada for Eight years before he died of the Turkey earthquake blast that took the live of 50,783 people On February 6, 2023. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit turkey. He was a victim of a collapse building and couldn't survive.. When my late husband was alive, he deposited the sum of €10,850,000.00 ( Ten million eight hundred and fifty thousand euro ) in a bank here in Turkey. Presently this money is still in the bank, he made this money available for importation of Gold from Papua, indonesia mining before his sudden death. Recently My Doctor told me that I would not last for the period of 3 months due to cancer problems again. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke illness. Having known my condition, I decided to hand you over this money to take care of the less-privileged people, you will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want you to take 60 Percent of the total money for your personal use and for your effort and dedication towards the charity project work, while 40% of the money will go to the charity project work, people in need from the street and helping the orphanage too, I grew up as an orphan and i don't have anybody as my family member. Also make sure that the house of Allah, Mosque is maintained from the funds. Am doing this so that Almighty Allah will forgive my sins and accept my soul because I have suffered from this illness so much. As soon as I receive your reply, I shall give you the contact of the bank here in Turkey and I will also instruct the Bank Manager to issue you an authority letter that will prove you the present beneficiary of the money in the bank that is if you assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply, then i will proceed with you to the bank for the money transfer to your bank account as soon as possible, that is if you are serious enough to handle the project and also dedicate your effort to it because i believe i can trust you honestly. Yours faithfully. Mrs.Feyza Olcay Ýbrahim

Sunday, July 28, 2024

419 scam

Greetings you have been gifted $5 MILLION USD From Jeff Bezos. The donation is to help you empower the children of the Motherless Babies' Homes including the Less Privileged.  Visit this: or You Can Google my name for more information:( Jeff Bezos).

Send Details Via to for claim. 1. Name.2. Add.3. Phone.4. Country:

Reply Via Email:

Saturday, July 27, 2024

419 scam

I am looking to engage you in profit oriented ventures, I have the directive of SHK Mubarak from Qatar to look for a foreigner that is capable of managing 200,000,000 U.S.D held abroad. If you are interested, kindly get back to me for further discussion.

Best regards,

Thursday, July 25, 2024

419 scam

 I am Mrs. Diana Oksana currently in medical treatment. I am married to Dr. Oksana who was killed in an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. We have been married for eleven years with a son who later died. My husband died after he was shot on his way to duty post by air-bomb strike at the hospital. When my late husband was alive, he deposited the sum of US $14,900,000.00 in a bank in Off-shore, this money is still in the bank.

Recently my doctor told me that I will not last for the next three months because of cancer and what bothers me the most is my stroke. Having known about my condition, I have decided to donate this fund to the church or better yet to an individual who will use this money in the way I will be instructing here. I want a church or an individual who will use this money to fund churches, orphanages and widows spreading the word of God and making sure that the house of God is maintained. I made this decision because I have no children who will inherit this money. I was born an orphan and through the help of God I got married to Dr. Oksana.

I do not know when this war is going to come to an end, and my health is not guaranteed. I can relocate to any country where there is peace when this money is secured through your help. My attorney will act as a control, overseeing all aspects of the charities and ensuring all documentation is complete and necessary. I sincerely ask for your help in this humanitarian work. I want the bank to transfer the funds to your bank account so that you use 80% of the funds to help the following people:

1. babies without a mother.
2. widows.
3. people with disabilities.
4. the patience of Cancer.

The 20% of the fund is for you and your family, if you agree to do this humanitarian work. You will promise me that you will not disappoint me when the funds are transferred to your bank account there in your country, and you will also assure me that you will use the 80% of the money for this purpose. Respond to me urgently if you are interested in this transaction as any delay in your response will give me room to look for another reliable person for the same goal, hoping to hear from you. Anyway, just put me in prayers anytime.

May Almighty God bless you.Reply back to: (
Get back to me for more details
Mrs. Diana Oksana

Thursday, July 18, 2024

419 scam


I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise, but do not worry as i believe that you can be of great assistance to me. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3 million USD to your private account Where this money can be shared between us.

The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for years now without anybody coming for the claim. I want to release the money to you as the relative to our deceased customer (the account owner) who died in a plane crash with his family on 16th October 2005.

By indicating your interest I will send you the full details on how the business will be executed.

Best Regards,
Dante Gawa

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

419 scam

 Hello Chosen Ones of the Light,

You were chosen by the Great Brotherhood of the Illuminati to be a member of this family; You have found favor in the eyes of the Great Creator and hence this noble invitation to be a member of the Elite Family.

Do you want to join the Great Illuminati Brotherhood to become rich, famous and protected in life, join us today and solve your financial problems if you want to become a member of the Illuminati


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mailadres is willekeurig geselecteerd om een ​​donatie van 3.600.000,00 euro te ontvangen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het onderstaande e-mailadres.

Stuur een e-mail naar:

Met vriendelijke groet

Maria Elisabeth Schaeffler

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Loan scam


We are group of Private Lenders seeking to invest our
money in any possible viable project that has a good
annual return on investment.

Our Terms:
We are Offering loan at 2% interest rate per year
(Negotiable)/10 years loan duration (Negotiable)/
1 year grace period (Negotiable)

Funds Manager:
We are seeking for Individual/company who can manage
and invest a certain amount of money in any viable business/
project irrespective of sector (on our behalf). We want this
certain amount to be managed for a period of 10 years.

We are ready to provide funding for your project irrespective
of sector or country.

NB: Reply us with your whats-app number if you are interested
in our offer for a secured discussion.

Steve H

Monday, July 8, 2024

419 scam

 Gegroet, vanuit het wereldelite-imperium van de Illuminati.
Streef je ernaar je kennis uit te breiden om persoonlijke groei te bereiken, wil je rijk worden?,
bescherming nodig hebben, krachtig en beroemd zijn.
zo ja!. Dan kun je je dromen verwezenlijken door lid te worden van het grote Illuminati-imperium.
Als u eenmaal lid bent, kunnen al uw dromen en hartsverlangens volledig worden verwezenlijkt.
Met deze korte samenvatting: Als je geïnteresseerd bent om lid te worden van de grote Illuminati-broederschap, dan
Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie over deelname aan de Illuminati.
Beantwoord ons alstublieft alleen op onze directe rekruterings-e-mail op:
Let op: zorg ervoor dat al uw antwoorden rechtstreeks naar het hierboven vermelde e-mailadres worden verzonden:
Voor meer instructies over ons lidmaatschapsproces.
Wij ondersteunen geen vuile spelletjes. Het is een broederschap van vrede, een grote groep van verlichting. Verlichting.
De illuminatie.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Arrest scam

To your Attention,

For investigation purposes, please contact the officer in charge of your
case, Lieutenant *Dina MILFORD*, at the following email address:

You have 48 hours to respond to this summons. After this period, we will be
obliged to arrest you as authorised by the law.
We look forward to your cooperation,

*Sergeant Dina MILFORD  *
*SecretariatMetropolitan Police Service*

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mailadres is willekeurig gekozen om een ​​donatie van 4.500.000,00 euro te ontvangen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het onderstaande e-mailadres.

Stuur een e-mail naar:

Vriendelijke groeten

Maria Elisabeth Schaeffler

Thursday, June 27, 2024

419 scam

Dear Sir.

We believe true engagement is the fuel for successful, mutually beneficial relationships. We seek first to understand the customer needs. We are socially conscious investment firm that focuses on sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, innovation, philanthropic initiatives and we are creating a new kind of business and investment financing. One of the most basic core values of our company is honesty. Honesty is demonstrated by what we say and by what we do.

We remain at your disposal for more information

Mr. Yasser Al Jarallah
Treasurer and Chief
Saudi Investment Bank

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this electronic message and
any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the
addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged
information. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that
disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the
contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Please notify the
sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any
WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The
recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of
viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus
transmitted by this email.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

419 scam

 Hello I have a business partnership proposal for you. Contact me on my personal email for more details please : Regards Saif

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

419 scam

Dear Beneficiary,
We hope this email finds you well. on behalf of Lee Shau-kee the benefactor, a business magnate, investor and philanthropist, your email has been selected randomly to receive a grant donation of £2,000,000.00 (Two Million British Pounds) from the Lee Shau-Kee Charitable Foundation.
For claims enquiries, forward this notification message to the email below
Stephen Huang
Philanthropy Manager
Lee Shau-Kee Foundation

Monday, June 17, 2024

419 scam

Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!!

A donation of  5,000,000.00 euro has been presented to you by Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk, the mega winner of $758 Million in Mega Millions Jackpot, I am donating to 5 random individuals. If you get this email then your email was selected after a spin ball, Reply back to get more details

Mrs.Mavis Wanczyk

Monday, June 10, 2024

Lotto scam

 U heeft een donatie van 4.800.000,00 EURO, ik heb de Amerikaanse loterij gewonnen ter waarde van 40 miljoen Amerikaanse dollars in Amerika en besloot een deel daarvan te doneren aan vijf gelukkige mensen en liefdadigheidsinstellingen ter nagedachtenis aan mijn overleden vrouw die aan kanker is overleden. Neem contact met mij op voor meer informatie via:

Sunday, June 9, 2024

419 scam

Good Day,

Compliment of the season.

There is an important proposal on your name, contact Dr Carl Fianma
through this email for more update.


Carl Fianma

Saturday, June 8, 2024

419 scam

Liebste im Herrn,
Aus Respekt und Menschlichkeit,

Ich bin Mrs. Thelma Douglas. Ich war mit Mr. Tom Douglas aus der Schweiz verheiratet, der zwanzig Jahre lang für eine Baufirma in Asien gearbeitet hat, bevor er bei der Tsunami-Katastrophe starb und wir heirateten, hatten aber keine Kinder.

Nach seinem Tod habe ich beschlossen, nicht wieder zu heiraten. Jetzt bin ich bereit, diese 5,5 Millionen Dollar an Unterprivilegierte zu spenden, um zur Entwicklung der Kirche in Afrika, Amerika, Asien und Europa beizutragen.

Mein verstorbener Mann war sehr vermögend und nach seinem Tod erbte ich sein gesamtes Geschäft und Vermögen, das noch immer auf der Bank liegt. Die Geschäftsleitung hat mir gerade geschrieben, ich solle das Geld als Begünstigte einfordern oder mir einen Brief geschickt, in dem sie jemanden ermächtigt, es in meinem Namen entgegenzunehmen, sodass ich nicht kommen kann.

Ich liege derzeit im Krankenhaus und werde wegen Lungenkrebs behandelt. Seitdem kann ich nicht mehr sprechen und mein Arzt sagte mir, ich hätte nur noch wenige Monate zu leben. Beachten Sie, dass dieses Geld auf der Bank liegt.

Ich möchte, dass jemand, dem ich vertrauen kann, 90 % dieses Geldes verwendet, um Kirchen, Waisenhäuser und Witwenhäuser auf der ganzen Welt zu finanzieren, aber in meinem Namen, Frau Thelma Douglas

„Sobald ich von Ihnen höre, werde ich Ihnen die Kontaktdaten der Bank mitteilen.
Geben Sie an, dass Sie der neue Begünstigte des Fonds sind. Der Fonds sollte auf Ihr Konto in Ihrem Land überwiesen werden.

Bitte versichern Sie mir, dass Sie gemäß meiner Erklärung handeln und diesen Kontakt vertraulich behandeln werden, bis die Mittel bei Ihrer Depotbank eingegangen sind. Damit soll sichergestellt werden, dass nichts meinen letzten Wunsch auf Erden gefährdet.

Schreiben Sie mir per E-Mail unter
Schreiben Sie mir per E-Mail unter
Vielen Dank und Gott segne Sie.

Ich warte auf Ihre dringende Antwort.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Frau Thelma Douglas

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

419 scam

 Von Koffi Aya

Guten Tag und danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Bitte lesen Sie meine E-Mail sorgfältig durch und unterstützen Sie mich bei der Abwicklung dieses Projekts. Ich bin Miss Koffi Aya und schreibe Ihnen in aller Bescheidenheit, um Sie um Ihre Partnerschaft und Unterstützung bei der Überweisung und Anlage meiner Erbschaftsgelder in Höhe von 6.500.000,00 US-Dollar (sechs Millionen fünfhunderttausend US-Dollar) zu bitten, die mein verstorbener geliebter Vater vor seinem Tod bei einer Bank hinterlegt hat.

Ich möchte Ihnen versichern, dass dieses Geld von meinem verstorbenen Vater legal erworben wurde und keinen kriminellen Hintergrund hat. Mein Vater hat dieses Geld legal durch ein legitimes Geschäft erworben, bevor er während seiner Geschäftsreise vergiftet wurde. Es wurde vermutet, dass der Tod meines Vaters von seinen Verwandten geplant wurde, die während dieser Zeit seiner Geschäftsreise mit ihm reisten. Denn drei Monate nach dem Tod meines Vaters begannen seine Verwandten, alle Besitztümer meines verstorbenen Vaters zu beanspruchen und zu verkaufen.

Die Verwandten meines verstorbenen Vaters wissen nichts von den 6.500.000 US-Dollar (sechs Millionen fünfhunderttausend US-Dollar), die mein verstorbener Vater bei der Bank hinterlegt hat, und mein verstorbener Vater hat mir vor seinem Tod heimlich gesagt, ich solle mir in einem Land meiner Wahl einen ausländischen Partner suchen, wohin ich diese Gelder für meine eigenen Zwecke überweisen werde.

Bitte helfen Sie mir, diese Gelder für geschäftliche Zwecke in Ihrem Land auf Ihr Konto zu überweisen. Ich habe diese Entscheidung getroffen, weil ich von den Verwandten meines verstorbenen Vaters viele Demütigungen erlitten habe. Derzeit habe ich mit dem Direktor der Bank gesprochen, bei der mein verstorbener Vater dieses Geld hinterlegt hat. Ich habe dem Direktor der Bank erklärt, wie dringend es ist, sicherzustellen, dass das Geld ins Ausland überwiesen wird, damit ich dieses Land zu meiner Sicherheit verlassen kann. Der Direktor der Bank hat mir versichert, dass das Geld überwiesen wird, sobald ich jemanden vorstelle, der ehrlich ist und das Geld in meinem Namen zu diesem Zweck entgegennimmt.

Bitte seien Sie versichert, dass die Bank das Geld auf Ihr Konto überweisen wird und es keine Probleme geben wird. Diese Transaktion ist 100 % risikofrei und legitim. Ich bin bereit, Ihnen 30 % der Gesamtsumme als Entschädigung für Ihre Mühe/Ihren Einsatz anzubieten, nachdem dieser Betrag erfolgreich auf Ihr Konto überwiesen wurde. Sie helfen mir außerdem, 10 % an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und Heime für mutterlose Babys in Ihrem Land zu spenden.

Ich möchte, dass Sie mir als mein au419sländischer Partner zur Seite stehen, damit die Bank diesen Betrag auf Ihr Konto überweist, damit ich in diesem Land leben kann. Bitte, ich brauche Ihre dringende Hilfe aufgrund meiner derzeitigen Situation. Wenn Sie sich voll und ganz bereit erklären, in dieser Hinsicht mit mir zusammenzuarbeiten, bekunden Sie bitte Ihr Interesse, indem Sie mir antworten, damit ich Ihnen die erforderlichen Informationen und Einzelheiten zum weiteren Vorgehen geben kann. Ich biete Ihnen 30 % des Geldes für Ihre Hilfe und Unterstützung bei der Abwicklung an.

Ihre dringende Antwort wäre sehr willkommen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Koffi Aya

Saturday, June 1, 2024

419 scam

 This is Warren Buffett, the America business tycoon, investor and philanthropist. I have decided to donate ($1,000,000.00} One Million US Dollars to randomly five (5) people around the world. If you receive this email, consider yourself lucky because You have been selected to receive aid benefit funds from my Foundation.

Please reply by sending acceptance number 38585-48492 for claims.

Please visit this website: or google my name for more information: (Warren Buffett).

Thursday, May 30, 2024

419 scam

 International Monetary Fund
Senior Resident Representative
#1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20431 USA.
(I.M.F) (1206).

Dear Beneficiary,

I hope this message finds you well. I am Robert Powell, the of the International Monetary Fund Special Representative To The United Nation (IMF), reaching out to inform you about a significant development regarding your long overdue payment. It has come to our attention that numerous beneficiaries have faced unwarranted challenges and demands for money from various corrupt bank officials and courier companies, which has resulted in payments remaining unsettled. The IMF takes such matters seriously, and we are committed to rectifying these injustices.
We have received multiple reports detailing the unfair treatment meted out by different financial institutions across continents—from Europe to Africa and Asia, including London UK. In response, we have mandated all governmental and non-governmental entities previously involved with your transaction—including NGOs, finance companies, banks, security companies, and courier services—to cease their interactions with you concerning this matter.
The IMF will now be handling your payment directly. Your name is listed among those scheduled to receive funds in this first quarter's payment cycle as part of our biannual transfer policy aligned with banking regulations.
We extend our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience or delay caused thus far in processing your payment. From this point forward, please direct all communications exclusively to us at the IMF regarding your fund release.
For verification purposes and security measures against fraudulent activities associated with my identity as an official representative of the IMF:
- Always look for CODE: 1206 within any communication claiming association with me.
- Do not engage or remit further payments related to your fund release unless directed by our office.
- Any deviation from these instructions may jeopardize the safety of your funds; hence it is imperative that you adhere strictly to them. Your allocated inheritance fund amounts to USD$75.7 Million—a substantial sum rightfully belonging to you. Below are essential details pertaining to your payment:

United Nation Approval No: UN56850P
White House Approved No: H444CV
Reference No.: 354460021
Allocation No.: 6774632
Password No.: 3379331
Pin Code No.: 558674
Certificate of Merit Payment No.: 1033
Released Code No.: 1729;
Immediate (IMF) Telex confirmation No.: -19114433;
Secret Code No.: XXTN0013

To proceed further with securing receipt of your funds without delay or hindrance:
Cease all correspondence with other parties regarding this transaction,
 I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your fund will be released Contact Email:

Mr. Robert Powell
Special Representative
United Nations
NOTA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: La información contenida en esta transmisión está destinada únicamente a las personas o entidades a la que se dirige. Puede contener información privilegiada y confidencial, incluida Información de Salud Protegida (PHI). Si usted no es el destinatario, se le notifica que cualquier revisión, difusión, distribución o duplicación de esta comunicación está estrictamente prohibida. Si recibe esta comunicación por error, notifique al remitente inmediatamente y destruya este mensaje. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this transmission is intended only for the persons or entities to which it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information, including Protected Health Information (PHI). If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any revision, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this communication by error, notify the sender immediately and destroy this message.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mailadres is willekeurig gekozen om een ​​donatie van 4.500.000,00 euro te ontvangen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het onderstaande e-mailadres.

Stuur een e-mail naar:

Vriendelijke groeten

Maria Elisabeth Schaeffler

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

419 scam

Hallo mijn lieveling,

Ik wil dat u deze brief zeer aandachtig leest en ik bied mijn excuses aan dat ik dit bericht zonder enige formele introductie naar uw e-mail heb gestuurd vanwege de urgentie van deze kwestie. Ik ben blij je te kennen, maar de Almachtige Allah kent je beter en weet waarom hij mij op dit punt naar jou heeft verwezen. Om te beginnen zag ik uw e-mailadres en contactgegevens over mijn zoektocht naar een goede nabestaande online als resultaat van mijn urgentie om mijn laatste wens in werkelijkheid te verwezenlijken voordat ik binnenkort sterf.

Ik schrijf deze mail naar u met zware tranen. In mijn ogen en met groot verdriet in mijn hart. Mijn naam is mevrouw Feyza Olcay Ýbrahim, ik neem contact met u op vanuit mijn land Turkije. Ik wil u dit vertellen omdat ik er geen heb. Er was een andere optie dan het u te vertellen, omdat ik ontroerd was om mij voor u open te stellen: ik ben getrouwd met de heer Yusuf Ýbrahim die acht jaar lang bij het Turkse consulaat-generaal in Toronto, Canada heeft gewerkt voordat hij stierf door de aardbeving in Turkije die het leven kostte aan 50.783 mensen. mensen Op 6 februari 2023. We waren elf jaar getrouwd zonder kind.

Hij stierf na de aardbeving met een kracht van 7,8 die Turkije trof. Hij werd het slachtoffer van een instortend gebouw en kon het niet overleven. Toen mijn overleden echtgenoot nog leefde, stortte hij een bedrag van € 10.850.000,00 (tien miljoen achthonderdvijftigduizend euro) op een bank hier in Turkije. Momenteel staat dit geld nog steeds op de bank. Hij stelde dit geld beschikbaar voor de import van goud uit de mijnbouw in Papoea, Indonesië, vóór zijn plotselinge dood. Onlangs vertelde mijn dokter me dat ik het niet meer zou volhouden voor de periode van 3 maanden vanwege kankerproblemen. Degene die mij het meest stoort, is mijn beroerte.   Omdat ik mijn toestand kende, besloot ik u dit geld te overhandigen om voor de minder bevoorrechte mensen te zorgen. U zult dit geld gebruiken op de manier die ik hierin ga instrueren.

Ik wil dat je 60 procent van het totale geld gebruikt voor persoonlijk gebruik en voor je inzet en toewijding aan het liefdadigheidsprojectwerk, terwijl 40% van het geld naar het liefdadigheidsproject gaat, mensen in nood van de straat en het helpen van de weeshuis ook, ik ben opgegroeid als wees en ik heb niemand als familielid. Zorg er ook voor dat het huis van Allah, de Moskee, van de fondsen wordt onderhouden. Ik doe dit zodat Almachtige Allah mijn zonden zal vergeven en mijn ziel zal accepteren, omdat ik zoveel aan deze ziekte heb geleden. Zodra ik uw antwoord heb ontvangen, zal ik u de contactgegevens van de bank hier in Turkije doorgeven en zal ik ook de bankdirecteur opdracht geven u een machtigingsbrief te sturen waaruit blijkt dat u de huidige begunstigde bent van het geld op de bank, dat wil zeggen als u verzekert mij dat u dienovereenkomstig zult handelen, zoals ik hierin heb verklaard.

In de hoop uw antwoord te ontvangen, ga ik zo snel mogelijk met u naar de bank om het geld naar uw bankrekening over te maken, dat wil zeggen als u serieus genoeg bent om het project af te handelen en er ook uw inspanningen aan te wijden, omdat ik geloof dat ik kan je eerlijk vertrouwen.

Met vriendelijke groet.
Mevrouw Feyza Olcay Ýbrahim

Thursday, May 23, 2024

419 scam

Hello Sir!

I am General Ivan Svyda, Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine. A large sum of $35 million United States dollars (US$35,000,000.00) was discovered and seized by the batalion under my control, during one of our raids and operations in Russian strongholds of Sevastopol, Ukraine. As a general commander, I have got the mandate and authority to control seized items, and the love and conscience I have for the starving, stranded and dying Ukrainian children didn't allow me to destroy these very huge sum of money as it will be widely beneficial to the survivors of Ukrainian children scattered in various mercy and pitiful refugee camps across the globe.

Innocent children are massacred daily by president Vladmir Putin's soldiers in this ongoing unreasonable war of Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine. We're pushing very hard on counter-offensives and I am in the frontline, as such, my safety is not guaranteed. I was able to move the large sum safely via the assistance of one of our security channels to a Financial Security Deposit Company where it was safely and securely deposited as 'FISCAL BONDS' with UNKNOWN as the beneficiary and next of kin, only to be released to the holder of the LDC and Reference security numbers which I will furnish you with on your fast response to start and file the process of claims with the security holding firm as my representative and beneficiary.

I stumbled on your information in my palm computer when I was going through our military logistics softwares and logs and I had to send this note to you because there's no time to look further in the war frontlines in which I am a frontline commander here in Ukraine. I am to believe you're trust-worthy and please for God's sake and for the sake of humanity, I plead you ensure you use at least %75 percent of these funds for the surviving poor children of Ukraine scattered and tattered all over refugee camps in the world.

I officially retired from the military on 29 May, 2010 but, I volunteered and was called up again to serve because of this act of war, terrorism and unreasonable Russian aggressions and invasion of Ukraine Federation. If I can serve humanity in my own capacity you can too!

I look out for your reply soon!

General Ivan Svyda
Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine
Personal Email:

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

419 scam

Dear Friend,
A Palestinian businessman made a fixed deposit of huge fund
in my bank branch here in Hong Kong where I am a bank director
and he died with his entire family in Israeli and Palestinian conflict
leaving behind no next of kin.
I Propose to present you as next of kin to claim the funds, if
interested contact me with your full name, and telephone number
to reach you and most importantly, a confirmation of acceptance
from you.
Your Truly ,
Lung Chung

Monday, May 20, 2024

419 scam

General Ivan Svyda <>
10:15 (7 uur geleden)
Waarom is dit bericht in Spam geplaatst?

Het bericht is vergelijkbaar met berichten die in het verleden als spam werden geïdentificeerd.
Hello Sir!

I am General Ivan Svyda, Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine. A large sum of $35 million United States dollars (US$35,000,000.00) was discovered and seized by the batalion under my control, during one of our raids and operations in Russian strongholds of Sevastopol, Ukraine. As a general commander, I have got the mandate and authority to control seized items, and the love and conscience I have for the starving, stranded and dying Ukrainian children didn't allow me to destroy these very huge sum of money as it will be widely beneficial to the survivors of Ukrainian children scattered in various mercy and pitiful refugee camps across the globe.

Innocent children are massacred daily by president Vladmir Putin's soldiers in this ongoing unreasonable war of Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine. We're pushing very hard on counter-offensives and I am in the frontline, as such, my safety is not guaranteed. I was able to move the large sum safely via the assistance of one of our security channels to a Financial Security Deposit Company where it was safely and securely deposited as 'FISCAL BONDS' with UNKNOWN as the beneficiary and next of kin, only to be released to the holder of the LDC and Reference security numbers which I will furnish you with on your fast response to start and file the process of claims with the security holding firm as my representative and beneficiary.

I stumbled on your information in my palm computer when I was going through our military logistics softwares and logs and I had to send this note to you because there's no time to look further in the war frontlines in which I am a frontline commander here in Ukraine. I am to believe you're trust-worthy and please for God's sake and for the sake of humanity, I plead you ensure you use at least %75 percent of these funds for the surviving poor children of Ukraine scattered and tattered all over refugee camps in the world.

I officially retired from the military on 29 May, 2010 but, I volunteered and was called up again to serve because of this act of war, terrorism and unreasonable Russian aggressions and invasion of Ukraine Federation. If I can serve humanity in my own capacity you can too!

I look out for your reply soon!

General Ivan Svyda
Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine
Personal Email:


Saturday, May 18, 2024

419 scam

 Good day,
My name is Abdullah, I'm a consultant. I have a great business proposal to discuss with you on Foreign Investment & Partnership in your country. I will discuss more with you as soon as I hear from you.
Thanks & Regards,


Thursday, May 16, 2024

419 scam

Hello Sir!

I am General Ivan Svyda, Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine. A large sum of $35 million United States dollars (US$35,000,000.00) was discovered and seized by the batalion under my control, during one of our raids and operations in Russian strongholds of Sevastopol, Ukraine. As a general commander, I have got the mandate and authority to control seized items, and the love and conscience I have for the starving, stranded and dying Ukrainian children didn't allow me to destroy these very huge sum of money as it will be widely beneficial to the survivors of Ukrainian children scattered in various mercy and pitiful refugee camps across the globe.

Innocent children are massacred daily by president Vladmir Putin's soldiers in this ongoing unreasonable war of Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine. We're pushing very hard on counter-offensives and I am in the frontline, as such, my safety is not guaranteed. I was able to move the large sum safely via the assistance of one of our security channels to a Financial Security Deposit Company where it was safely and securely deposited as 'FISCAL BONDS' with UNKNOWN as the beneficiary and next of kin, only to be released to the holder of the LDC and Reference security numbers which I will furnish you with on your fast response to start and file the process of claims with the security holding firm as my representative and beneficiary.

I stumbled on your information in my palm computer when I was going through our military logistics softwares and logs and I had to send this note to you because there's no time to look further in the war frontlines in which I am a frontline commander here in Ukraine. I am to believe you're trust-worthy and please for God's sake and for the sake of humanity, I plead you ensure you use at least %75 percent of these funds for the surviving poor children of Ukraine scattered and tattered all over refugee camps in the world.

I officially retired from the military on 29 May, 2010 but, I volunteered and was called up again to serve because of this act of war, terrorism and unreasonable Russian aggressions and invasion of Ukraine Federation. If I can serve humanity in my own capacity you can too!

I look out for your reply soon!

General Ivan Svyda
Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine
Personal Email:

Friday, May 10, 2024

419 scam

Uw e-mailadres is geselecteerd voor een liefdadigheids voordeel van 315,000 euro, nadat een spin-ball-e-mail willekeurig personen van de Weston Foundation heeft geselecteerd als onderdeel van de palliatieve voordelen van het coronavirus om mensen over de hele wereld te helpen. Je had veel geluk dat je e-mailadres werd gekozen tussen het e-mailadres van een paar andere mensen. Neem voor meer informatie over hoe u uw prijs kunt claimen contact met ons op via
Let op: dit is de derde keer dat we proberen contact met u op te nemen. Neem dit dus serieus.
Floris Laurel,
Interim stichting beheerder.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

419 scam

Attention Dear

Note: if you found this email in your junk/spam, its because of your
internet isp server.

I am Ms.Gertie Jenkins, I am a US citizen,58 years Old. My residential
address is 708 Queen Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United
States,I am thinking of moving since I am now wealthy.I am one of those
people that took part in receiving Inheritance funds in East & West Asians
many years ago and they refused to pay me,I had paid different fees while
in the United States trying to get my funds from those banks and lottery
organizers but all to no avail.

So I decided to travel to Wright City, Oklahoma with all my compensation
documents, And I was directed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Director to contact Agent  Pretty Linda, who is a representative of the
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF),a Human Rights Activist and a member of
the Compensation Award Committee,And a Diplomatic Agent, currently in
Wright City, Oklahoma and I contacted her and she explained everything to
me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake,  Pretty Linda
personally directed me on how to claim my Inheritance fund.

She directed me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment.
Right now I am the happiest woman on earth because I have received my
compensation funds amounting sum of $13,8 million dollars  Moreover,  Pretty Linda
showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their
payments and those whose inheritance had not been paid and the list of all
outstanding contractor that were owed that are yet to receive their
payments and I saw your email as one of the beneficiaries on the list he
showed me, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those
people, they are not with your funds, they are only making money out of
you. I will advise you to contact Agent  Pretty Linda. Kindly send your
personal details to her to prove your identification such as Full
name,current home address,current Phone No.

You have to contact her directly on this information below.

Compensation Award Office.
Name : Agent.  Pretty Linda
Office WhatsApp : +&#8234;1(315)&#160;573&#8209;4396
Text/Cell; +1 918 442-3937

You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you
and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with
them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until
you have nothing left.The only money I paid after I met  Pretty Linda
was for full legal affidavit to support my claim and approval of my
compensation funds release which will enable the transfer of the funds
immediately to your bank account or whichever way you desire to receive
your payment.Take note of that and i will advise you to contact her Asap if
you wish to receive your fund without any further wasting of time.

Please contanct  Pretty Linda via email below;

Thank You and Be Blessed.
Ms.Gertie Jenkins
of 708 Queen Street Wilmington,
North Carolina 28401 USA.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

419 scam

Financial Conduct Authority
12 Endeavour Square
London E20 1JN United Kingdom


Greetings and blessings of the day to you.

Please, get back to me via my private email address: (

I am Mrs ADA Conor , Please can I trust you to reveal to you the secret that I discovered in this office there is your inheritance fund pending in our office in your surname. I am working in the Financial Conduct Authority and the only thing that the government need is the UNCLEAN BILL CERTIFICATE ACCESS CODE I will be happy to hear from you and I will direct you on how to get this document.

Should you follow our directives, your funds will be credited and reflect in your account within five (5) bank working days from the day you obtain this UNCLEAN BILL CERTIFICATE ACCESS CODE to prove to you that this fund is clean and genuine.It is not fraud or terrorist money


Finally, for further assistance kindly forward your

Reply me back via my private email address:: ( for more information.

Best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Agency executives  Nikhil  Rathi  (Chief Executive)

Monday, May 6, 2024

419 scam

The IMF office have deposited your funds valued $10.5000.00.with us the

ATM Cards department after our final meeting Today,please
contact me, the ATM Card department director Agent Richard Larry.,
i will give you an instructions on how you will be
receive your package immediately, kindly confirm your Full information to avoid wrong payments such as,
Receiver's Name__
Address: __
Country: __
Phone Number: _
Be rest assured that your package will be registered and give you the tracking number for safty deliver to your door step, thank you.
Agent Richard Larry
Richard num.+1(360)761-1656
whatsapp num.+1(360)761-1656

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mail heeft u het bedrag van € 250.000,00 opgeleverd als gemeenschapsdonatie van Oxfam Aid. Neem voor meer informatie zo snel mogelijk contact met ons op met uw kwalificatienummer {OXG/553/416/FZH}.

Lees meer over Oxfam-hulp:

Operationeel manager
Voor meer informatie

Friday, April 26, 2024

Lotto scam

 Let op, ik ben Richard Wahl uit de VS, de winnaar van de Powerball-jackpot van $ 533 miljoen. Ik doneer elk € 1.500.000 aan geselecteerde personen als geschenk. Gelukkig bent u via het postsysteem geselecteerd om het bedrag van € 1.500.000 (één miljoen vijfhonderdduizend euro) te ontvangen. Neem nu contact op ( om een claim in te dienen met uw donatiecode en persoonlijke contactgegevens. VOOR MEER INFORMATIE Reageer met uw donatiecode: [ HB2024/02WAHL ]

Friday, April 19, 2024

Lotto scam


I am Kristine Wellenstein, the winner of $426 million lottery jackpot, I am writing to let you know that your email address has been selected as one of the lucky winners of the 6,500,000.00 (US$6.5 million) donation this week. Congratulations on this victory! To proceed with the transfer of funds, please contact me via my personal email ( . I advice you to keep the content of this email highly confidential.

Confirm that this email is Valid by sending a claim request to:  email (

Hope to hear from you soon.
Kristine wellenstein.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

419 scam


We hope this email finds you well. on behalf of Lee Shau-kee, a business magnate, investor and philanthropist, your email has been selected randomly to receive a grant donation of £2,000,000.00 (Two Million British Pounds) from Lee Shua Kee Foundation.

For claims, do kindly revert back to this email.

Lee Shua Kee Foundation


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

419 scam

I am Mr. Markus George Sr. From the Department of International Revenue Service (IRS), We are pleased to inform you that the Federal Government has officially approved and released your inheritance/compensation payment of $28.5 million USD.
Ms. Janet G. Robins. A human rights activist and an office Holder Credit Union Bank, has acted as your representative during this process.

In this regard, your $28.5 million will be sent to you as soon as we hear from you, The information below will be highly needed as soon as we can process your claim.

1. Your Full Name:
2. Your Residential address:
3. Your Direct phone number:
4. Your ID:

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Markus George Sr.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Loan scam

 Heeft u financiële hulp of een lening nodig om uw rekeningen te betalen en schulden af te betalen? Wij bieden alle soorten kredieten. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op via e-mail: of telegram 12166263236

Telefoon nummer:

De heer Christy Walton

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Loan scam

 Heeft u financiële hulp of een lening nodig om uw rekeningen te betalen en schulden af te betalen? Wij bieden alle soorten kredieten. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op via e-mail: of telegram 12166263236

Telefoon nummer:

De heer Christy Walton

Friday, March 29, 2024

419 scam


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

419 scam

 Mr. David Hamilton Koch believe strongly in giving while living and had one idea that never changed in his mind, that you should use your wealth to help people and he decided to give USD 2,000,000.00 Million Dollars to randomly selected individuals worldwide before his death on the 23rd of August 2019.
On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as the lucky individual. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so that I will know your email address is valid. Email me at ( you can also visit the web page of late Mr. David Hamilton Koch to know more about the Hamilton Foundation and this grant at:
Mr. Charles Koch

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

419 scam

phone no: +234 706 815 3659
FAX: 234 674 478 8273

I Am Mr.Kennedy Uzoka the director cash processing united bank for African the international monetary fund (I.M.F.) in conjunction with Organization of African Unity (A.U) is compensating all the scam victims with $1.500.000.00USD and your email address was found in the scam victim's, the united bank for African and Federal Reserve Bank has been mandated by the (I.M.F) to pay your compensation ($1.500, 000.00USD) in cash through means of diplomatic courier service hand delivery.

Take note that Three thousand united states dollars (usd$3,000) have been mapped out for all expenses in taxes and other documents that matters. Therefore, kindly forward your home address, direct phone number to the below email address

Mr.Kennedy Uzoka
Director cash processing unit
United bank of Africa. (U.B.A).
Phone no: +234 706 815 3659

Monday, March 18, 2024

419 scam

Dear Beloved Friend,
I am Capt. Jones Williams of the US Army. I am currently in SYRIA as an Advisory to the SYRIA Military on the fight against ISIL/ISIS Terrorist and also helping in stabilizing the country against security challenges.
During the fight with the terrorist, we discovered the sum of FORTY FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS Only, ($45,000,000.00), stocked in Two Boxes,which I have moved to a Red Cross location here. I would like to move this money, as quickly as possible, to you for business purposes. If I can trust you, I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount, so, I need to present someone, to stand, as the recipient. I am an American and an intelligence officer and for that, I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through Diplomatic or RED CROWN COURIER SERVICE, I just need your acceptance and all is done.
I am willing to settle you with 40% of the total sum while 60% goes to me on my arrival. You will advise me on the business to invest in, since I am not business oriented.I want to move this money to your destination for your safe keep, until, I am out of SYRIA.I believe, I can trust you. Presently, we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails, I will only reach you through email,Dear Beloved Friend,
I am Capt. Jones Williams of the US Army. I am currently in SYRIA as an Advisory to the SYRIA Military on the fight against ISIL/ISIS Terrorist and also helping in stabilizing the country against security challenges.
During the fight with the terrorist, we discovered the sum of FORTY FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS Only, ($45,000,000.00), stocked in Two Boxes,which I have moved to a Red Cross location here. I would like to move this money, as quickly as possible, to you for business purposes. If I can trust you, I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount, so, I need to present someone, to stand, as the recipient. I am an American and an intelligence officer and for that, I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through Diplomatic or RED CROWN COURIER SERVICE, I just need your acceptance and all is done.
I am willing to settle you with 40% of the total sum while 60% goes to me on my arrival. You will advise me on the business to invest in, since I am not business oriented.I want to move this money to your destination for your safe keep, until, I am out of SYRIA.I believe, I can trust you. Presently, we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails, I will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure who I am dealing with.
I wait for your response so we can proceed immediately because in less than 5 days the money should be in your safe custody. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. I hope I am fair on this deal, Get back to me with information below.
Your Full Name:.........................
Your Full Address:......................
Your Mobile Telephone no:...............
Your Occupation & Age :.................
Best Regards,
Capt. Jones Williams
Us Army

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

419 scam

United Nations Plaza, Room DC1-1330
New York, NY 10017 USA
Tel: +1-315-280-5760

Ref: Your Long Overdue Compensation Fund

Attention: E-mail Beneficiary,

We received a report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) demanding explanations for the delay of your overdue compensation fund payment approved by the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) and we have investigated this case only to find out that you've been ignorantly having illegal financial dealings with some online perpetrators who have taken advantage of your legitimate transaction in our custody in order to siphon your hard earned money.

Furthermore, the investigation report suggested that you have furnished your personal data to the perpetrators and we assume you must have sponsored the release of this fund but all to no avail; However, there is no cause for alarm as the investigation has also proved that you have no hand in any form of financial violation act. So our office has been mandated by the World Bank Group to monitor your compensation fund remittance at the valuation of $5,500,000.00 (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) only which will be released to you by the nominated paying bank.

Paramount, we advise that you STOP all dealings involving any sort of financial support to corrupt individuals posing to be from financial institutions in order to avoid any form of jeopardy in your compensation fund release process and be rest assured that you are now dealing with the rightful authorities.

In order to ascertain that we are in communication with the rightful beneficiary, you are to re-confirm the below information for the final verification process as instructed by the UNCC Governing board. Upon the receipt of the below data and final verification process, we shall furnish you with further directives and contact details of the financial institution nominated to commence with your fund release process

* Full Names:
* Gender:
* Occupation:
* Residential Address:
* Mobile Number:
* Age:
* Alternative E-mail ID:
* Copy of Valid I.D:

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated to enable us to serve you better.

Sincerely yours.

António Guterres
United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)

Monday, March 11, 2024

419 scam

We have deposited the check of your fund ($3.800`000.00USD) through
Western Union department after our finally meeting regarding your fund, All you will
do is to contact
Western Union director DR Edward via E-mail He
will give you direction on how you will be receiving the funds daily.Remember to
send him your Full
information to avoid wrong transfer such as,
Receiver's Name
Phone Number:
Though, Mr Bambang Sudjatmiko has sent $5000 in your name today(
tell him to give you the Mtcn, sender name and question/answer to pick the $5000 Please let us
know as soon as you
received all your fund,
Best Regards.
Mr William Eze

Friday, March 8, 2024

419 scam

Hello Dear Beneficiary ,
I am Brian Wesley Shukan, the newly appointed United States Ambassador to Benin. After successful tenure and service in Sudan,  President Joe Biden nominated me to be the next United States Ambassador to Benin due to my committed effort to the service. After the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held hearings on my nomination, I was confirmed and sent to take over activities here in the U.S Embassy Cotonou,Benin on May 5, 2023.
I am not happy with what I discovered here at the embassy. Upon my resumption, I have noticed numerous unpaid scam victims compensation funds belonging to several beneficiaries. The past administration of the embassy did not do enough to disseminate these funds to the rightful  owners. I understand that this may be due to corruption in the system which I stand against. I have personally swore to deliver these funds to the beneficiaries with immediate
I will Put it direct to you that your compensation/Inheritance fund is $2.7 million United State Dollars, and that is what you are to receive by our special delivery company that has been assigned for this project only, the name of the delivery company is Almaza Delivery Service, they will take care of your delivery to your address and hand over your complete fund to you which is in the ATM card for easy withdrawal and accompany you to any bank ATM machine for your first withdrawal, you are to contact the delivery company with your full name, address and telephone number on this email address make sure you contact them immediately as we have already handed over your fund to them for delivery to you together with all your paperwork of legality that shows the legitimacy of your fund.
As soon as you contact the delivery company, they will respond back to you with your delivery schedule, also they will educate you on the delivery processes. I think the most important thing for you to note here is that you are dealing with the right office and the right person this time and it's a confirmation that you are taking a bold step in the right way, manner and definitely you will have your fund delivered to you as scheduled, I cannot deceive you as that will be inhumane to me, I have family as I know that anything I do today which is not good in the sight of God must surely come back to me .i.e.' NEMESIS, So feel free and receive your funds in good faith. Also note that you are to take responsibility of the delivery charges which is the total sum of $195, the fee comprises of the delivery, security and insurance all together, most importantly make sure you contact the delivery company immediately and get back to me, letting me know you have contacted them.
You should know that a man is an architect of his own fortune and therefore should not allow anybody or the past to discourage you in your efforts to achieve your goal more especially a benefiting one like this which will be concluded immediately you comply with my directives. I know you can only force a horse to the river but cannot force it to drink water, I can only give you the best advice I can as I have my integrity to protect as a good name is better than riches. A word is enough for the wise,
I know that things are really difficult, but I can sincerely tell you that you do not have anything to lose or regret. I am a woman of my word and I have to tell you that my word will remain my bond and I cannot live without fulfilling it, seeing is believing, I assure you, contact the delivery company as i directed and make sure you cooperate and comply with the directives of the delivery company so that your $2.7 million Dollars will be delivered to you within 48 hours after the confirmation of your payment, I assure you. make sure you get back to me letting me know you have contacted the Almaza Delivery Service.
Kindly re-confirm the following
1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Phone:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Country:
7: How much you lost to the impostors:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours in Duty
Ambassador Brian Wesley Shukan
Newly appointed United States Ambassador to Benin

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Loan scam


I am contacting you concerning funding for your business
project and possible investment in your Country. I work as
a financial consultant and adviser to a group of investors/
private lenders and consortium of High Net worth individuals,
cooperate bodies and officials who want to invest in your
country by proxy.

Basically, my principals are interested in partnership, business
expansion and relocating business interesting in the following
sectors: Medical and Health care projects, Real estate projects,
Mining projects, Agricultural projects, Renewable energy projects,
start-up projects, Transportation, Trading, Soft tech Constructing

Our loan terms are 2% interest rate per annum (Negotiable), time duration
is 10 years (Negotiable) and 1 year grace period (Negotiable). We can
work on equity terms/ profit sharing basis and possible joint venture(JV)

For more details send us your whatsapp number for instant chat and
easy communication (If you are interested in our offer).

Yours Sincerely,
Steve H
WhatsApp:  +44 7465 742606 (write us)

Monday, March 4, 2024

419 scam

 Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!! Congratulations !!!

A donation of  5,000,000.00 euro has been presented to you by Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk, the mega winner of $758 Million in Mega Millions Jackpot, I am donating to 5 random individuals. If you get this email then your email was selected after a spin ball, Reply back to get more details

Mrs.Mavis Wanczyk

Thursday, February 22, 2024

419 scam

phone no: +234 706 815 3659
FAX: 234 674 478 8273
I Am Mr.Kennedy Uzoka the director cash processing united bank for African the international monetary fund (I.M.F.) in conjunction with Organization of African Unity (A.U) is compensating all the scam victims with $1.500.000.00USD and your email address was found in the scam victim's, the united bank for African and Federal Reserve Bank has been mandated by the (I.M.F) to pay your compensation ($1.500, 000.00USD) in cash through means of diplomatic courier service hand delivery.
Take note that Three thousand united states dollars (usd$3,000) have been mapped out for all expenses in taxes and other documents that matters. Therefore, kindly forward your home address, direct phone number to the below email address
Mr.Kennedy Uzoka
Director cash processing unit
United bank of Africa. (U.B.A).
Phone no: +234 706 815 3659