Friday, September 13, 2024

419 scam

 dear sir or madam i am sending you this mail in good faith i am mrs josie marie currently undergoing medical treatment for cancer and my late husband was a contractor had a servicing firm affiliated with so many port authority before he suddenly pass away years ago we were married for nine years without a child since his death i decided not to remarry because it is against my faith and religion when my late husband was alive we had account where we deposited all our assets and lifetime savings in the bank worth $2.622 million dollars i have been sick suffering from cancer having known my condition will not allow me perform this wish so i decided to nominate you to help me donate the fund to less privilege also building orphanage for them in your country as my spirit directed me after series of prayers i took this decision because i don’t have any children to inherit the amount and i strongly write you this memorandum in tears sorrows because i was not blessed with the fruit of womb therefore i have instructed the bank manager to transfer the capital to a foreigner that will apply and the bank already have the doctors report of my physical health challenge confirming i will not live more longer and the bank statements shows no withdrawal of money over long period I suggested you take 30% of the total fund for yourself and fixed 70% into charity program in your country assure me you will act accordingly i encourage you to email me for more information in his arms josie marie