Monday, May 20, 2024

419 scam

General Ivan Svyda <>
10:15 (7 uur geleden)
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Hello Sir!

I am General Ivan Svyda, Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine. A large sum of $35 million United States dollars (US$35,000,000.00) was discovered and seized by the batalion under my control, during one of our raids and operations in Russian strongholds of Sevastopol, Ukraine. As a general commander, I have got the mandate and authority to control seized items, and the love and conscience I have for the starving, stranded and dying Ukrainian children didn't allow me to destroy these very huge sum of money as it will be widely beneficial to the survivors of Ukrainian children scattered in various mercy and pitiful refugee camps across the globe.

Innocent children are massacred daily by president Vladmir Putin's soldiers in this ongoing unreasonable war of Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine. We're pushing very hard on counter-offensives and I am in the frontline, as such, my safety is not guaranteed. I was able to move the large sum safely via the assistance of one of our security channels to a Financial Security Deposit Company where it was safely and securely deposited as 'FISCAL BONDS' with UNKNOWN as the beneficiary and next of kin, only to be released to the holder of the LDC and Reference security numbers which I will furnish you with on your fast response to start and file the process of claims with the security holding firm as my representative and beneficiary.

I stumbled on your information in my palm computer when I was going through our military logistics softwares and logs and I had to send this note to you because there's no time to look further in the war frontlines in which I am a frontline commander here in Ukraine. I am to believe you're trust-worthy and please for God's sake and for the sake of humanity, I plead you ensure you use at least %75 percent of these funds for the surviving poor children of Ukraine scattered and tattered all over refugee camps in the world.

I officially retired from the military on 29 May, 2010 but, I volunteered and was called up again to serve because of this act of war, terrorism and unreasonable Russian aggressions and invasion of Ukraine Federation. If I can serve humanity in my own capacity you can too!

I look out for your reply soon!

General Ivan Svyda
Ground Forces Commander, Ukraine
Personal Email: