Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lotto scam

Attention Winner,

This is to notify you on your winning in the 2021 coca cola promotion raffle draw. You have won one million British Pounds (£1,000,000.00) Kindly reconfirm your details as stated below to enable us give you the details of the promotion and how to claim your winning amount

(1) NAME ...................................
(2) AGE:......................................
(3) SEX:.......................................
(4) ADDRESS:.......................................
(5) EMAIL:...............................................

(6) PHONE:..............................................
(7) OCCUPATION:..................................
(8) COMPANY………………………………
(9) STATE/CITY:......................................
(11) NATIONALITY:.................................
(12)TICKET / BALLOT NUMBER:………………………………………
(13)AMOUNT WON:………………………………………………………

We shall proceed with the immediate release of your winning amount upon your reply to this email. You are required to contact our fiduciary agent (NAME): MR.GREG SMITH Email: gregsmithukmanager1@outlook.com

Congratulations Once again!!.

Yours Sincerely
Mrs. Linda Dominic.