Sunday, January 3, 2021

419 scam

I 'm contacting you now base on issue in my office today, because your payment file which contain your ($10.7million United State Dollars) was brought to me by ­the (FB) First Bank US, Colorado here in United State they ordered me to ­sign the cancellation of your payment file and i ­asked them why and they said that you are not interested and always insult them because they told you to pay $250 dollars to receive your fund.
So i decided to write you because i followed the law and i will not be against anybody in this world and i think that maybe they has a little problem with you.­

I have not touched ­your payment file until i hear from you, because i have a human sympathy .­

So my dear i need t­o know what happened and if you still need to receive your fund then I will tell you where you will ­send the $250 and have this fund send to you through my power.

Your urgent reply i­s needed.

Hon Mr. Nathan B. Coats
Chief Judge of the State of Colorado Supreme Co­urt