Monday, July 29, 2024

419 scam

Hello My Dearest, I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for bringing this message to your email without any formal introduction due to the urgency of this issue. I am happy to know you but the Almighty Allah knows you better and knows why he directed me to you at this point. To begin I saw your email and contact details on my search for a good Next of kin online as a result of my urgency to put my last wish into reality before i die any time soon. I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart, My Name is Mrs.Feyza Olcay Ýbrahim, I am contacting you from my country Turkey I want to tell you this because I don't have any other option than to tell you as I was touched to open up to you, I am married to Mr.Yusuf Ýbrahim who worked with Turkish Consulate General in Toronto Canada for Eight years before he died of the Turkey earthquake blast that took the live of 50,783 people On February 6, 2023. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit turkey. He was a victim of a collapse building and couldn't survive.. When my late husband was alive, he deposited the sum of €10,850,000.00 ( Ten million eight hundred and fifty thousand euro ) in a bank here in Turkey. Presently this money is still in the bank, he made this money available for importation of Gold from Papua, indonesia mining before his sudden death. Recently My Doctor told me that I would not last for the period of 3 months due to cancer problems again. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke illness. Having known my condition, I decided to hand you over this money to take care of the less-privileged people, you will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want you to take 60 Percent of the total money for your personal use and for your effort and dedication towards the charity project work, while 40% of the money will go to the charity project work, people in need from the street and helping the orphanage too, I grew up as an orphan and i don't have anybody as my family member. Also make sure that the house of Allah, Mosque is maintained from the funds. Am doing this so that Almighty Allah will forgive my sins and accept my soul because I have suffered from this illness so much. As soon as I receive your reply, I shall give you the contact of the bank here in Turkey and I will also instruct the Bank Manager to issue you an authority letter that will prove you the present beneficiary of the money in the bank that is if you assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply, then i will proceed with you to the bank for the money transfer to your bank account as soon as possible, that is if you are serious enough to handle the project and also dedicate your effort to it because i believe i can trust you honestly. Yours faithfully. Mrs.Feyza Olcay Ýbrahim

Sunday, July 28, 2024

419 scam

Greetings you have been gifted $5 MILLION USD From Jeff Bezos. The donation is to help you empower the children of the Motherless Babies' Homes including the Less Privileged.  Visit this: or You Can Google my name for more information:( Jeff Bezos).

Send Details Via to for claim. 1. Name.2. Add.3. Phone.4. Country:

Reply Via Email:

Saturday, July 27, 2024

419 scam

I am looking to engage you in profit oriented ventures, I have the directive of SHK Mubarak from Qatar to look for a foreigner that is capable of managing 200,000,000 U.S.D held abroad. If you are interested, kindly get back to me for further discussion.

Best regards,

Thursday, July 25, 2024

419 scam

 I am Mrs. Diana Oksana currently in medical treatment. I am married to Dr. Oksana who was killed in an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. We have been married for eleven years with a son who later died. My husband died after he was shot on his way to duty post by air-bomb strike at the hospital. When my late husband was alive, he deposited the sum of US $14,900,000.00 in a bank in Off-shore, this money is still in the bank.

Recently my doctor told me that I will not last for the next three months because of cancer and what bothers me the most is my stroke. Having known about my condition, I have decided to donate this fund to the church or better yet to an individual who will use this money in the way I will be instructing here. I want a church or an individual who will use this money to fund churches, orphanages and widows spreading the word of God and making sure that the house of God is maintained. I made this decision because I have no children who will inherit this money. I was born an orphan and through the help of God I got married to Dr. Oksana.

I do not know when this war is going to come to an end, and my health is not guaranteed. I can relocate to any country where there is peace when this money is secured through your help. My attorney will act as a control, overseeing all aspects of the charities and ensuring all documentation is complete and necessary. I sincerely ask for your help in this humanitarian work. I want the bank to transfer the funds to your bank account so that you use 80% of the funds to help the following people:

1. babies without a mother.
2. widows.
3. people with disabilities.
4. the patience of Cancer.

The 20% of the fund is for you and your family, if you agree to do this humanitarian work. You will promise me that you will not disappoint me when the funds are transferred to your bank account there in your country, and you will also assure me that you will use the 80% of the money for this purpose. Respond to me urgently if you are interested in this transaction as any delay in your response will give me room to look for another reliable person for the same goal, hoping to hear from you. Anyway, just put me in prayers anytime.

May Almighty God bless you.Reply back to: (
Get back to me for more details
Mrs. Diana Oksana

Thursday, July 18, 2024

419 scam


I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise, but do not worry as i believe that you can be of great assistance to me. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3 million USD to your private account Where this money can be shared between us.

The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for years now without anybody coming for the claim. I want to release the money to you as the relative to our deceased customer (the account owner) who died in a plane crash with his family on 16th October 2005.

By indicating your interest I will send you the full details on how the business will be executed.

Best Regards,
Dante Gawa

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

419 scam

 Hello Chosen Ones of the Light,

You were chosen by the Great Brotherhood of the Illuminati to be a member of this family; You have found favor in the eyes of the Great Creator and hence this noble invitation to be a member of the Elite Family.

Do you want to join the Great Illuminati Brotherhood to become rich, famous and protected in life, join us today and solve your financial problems if you want to become a member of the Illuminati


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mailadres is willekeurig geselecteerd om een ​​donatie van 3.600.000,00 euro te ontvangen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het onderstaande e-mailadres.

Stuur een e-mail naar:

Met vriendelijke groet

Maria Elisabeth Schaeffler

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Loan scam


We are group of Private Lenders seeking to invest our
money in any possible viable project that has a good
annual return on investment.

Our Terms:
We are Offering loan at 2% interest rate per year
(Negotiable)/10 years loan duration (Negotiable)/
1 year grace period (Negotiable)

Funds Manager:
We are seeking for Individual/company who can manage
and invest a certain amount of money in any viable business/
project irrespective of sector (on our behalf). We want this
certain amount to be managed for a period of 10 years.

We are ready to provide funding for your project irrespective
of sector or country.

NB: Reply us with your whats-app number if you are interested
in our offer for a secured discussion.

Steve H

Monday, July 8, 2024

419 scam

 Gegroet, vanuit het wereldelite-imperium van de Illuminati.
Streef je ernaar je kennis uit te breiden om persoonlijke groei te bereiken, wil je rijk worden?,
bescherming nodig hebben, krachtig en beroemd zijn.
zo ja!. Dan kun je je dromen verwezenlijken door lid te worden van het grote Illuminati-imperium.
Als u eenmaal lid bent, kunnen al uw dromen en hartsverlangens volledig worden verwezenlijkt.
Met deze korte samenvatting: Als je geïnteresseerd bent om lid te worden van de grote Illuminati-broederschap, dan
Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie over deelname aan de Illuminati.
Beantwoord ons alstublieft alleen op onze directe rekruterings-e-mail op:
Let op: zorg ervoor dat al uw antwoorden rechtstreeks naar het hierboven vermelde e-mailadres worden verzonden:
Voor meer instructies over ons lidmaatschapsproces.
Wij ondersteunen geen vuile spelletjes. Het is een broederschap van vrede, een grote groep van verlichting. Verlichting.
De illuminatie.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Arrest scam

To your Attention,

For investigation purposes, please contact the officer in charge of your
case, Lieutenant *Dina MILFORD*, at the following email address:

You have 48 hours to respond to this summons. After this period, we will be
obliged to arrest you as authorised by the law.
We look forward to your cooperation,

*Sergeant Dina MILFORD  *
*SecretariatMetropolitan Police Service*

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

419 scam


Uw e-mailadres is willekeurig gekozen om een ​​donatie van 4.500.000,00 euro te ontvangen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het onderstaande e-mailadres.

Stuur een e-mail naar:

Vriendelijke groeten

Maria Elisabeth Schaeffler